أخر الاخبار

وردنا الان: منظمة الاغاثة الاولية PU-AMI في الاردن تعلن عن حاجتها جامعيين ودبلوم

To be noted that this position is subject to funding confirmation.
-Position: Outreach Caseworker
-Based in: Community Spaces in Amman , Zarqa, Balqa and Madaba with daily travel for outreach activities
- Under the direct supervision of:Project officer Social Protection
- Supervision of : N/A
- Works in cooperation with: Project Officer, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) department, administrative and logistics teams, and CBO partner’s focal points
Première Urgence –Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI) is a non-governmental international aid organization operating in more than 20 countries and relying on more than 30 years of experience in responding to the fundamental needs of crisis affected populations. Present in the Middle East since 1996, PU-AMI conducts multi-sectoral humanitarian and resilience programming in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen. PU-AMI provides relief assistance (health and nutrition, water and sanitation, rehabilitation, food security and non-food item distribution, protection) and supports early recovery. PU-AMI's actions are guided by principles of humanity, impartiality, independence, accountability, adaptability, transparency, cooperation and partnership, involvement, dialogue, initiative, and trust.
In Jordan, PU-AMI has been responding since 2013 to the needs of most vulnerable populations affected by the Syria crisis in host communities. Through a community-based approach, the objectives of PU-AMI in Jordan are the following:

-Provide emergency/life-saving cash assistance to most vulnerable population to meet their basic needs
-Improve access to services for most vulnerable populations in host communities
-Support initiatives at community level to ensure social cohesion and economic empowerment opportunities for most vulnerable populations

General objective
Under the direct supervision of the Social Protection PO,the Outreach Caseworker is responsible for conducting household assessments among populations affected by the Syrian crisis to inform eligibility for assistance, provide targeted information about legal rights and access to services, and to make direct referral to external or internal assistance as appropriate.
She / he also conducts protection monitoring and beneficiary follow-up as directed by the Project officer to evaluate the evolution of protection concerns among refugee and host populations.
The scope of responsibilities set up might evolve and be expanded based on PU-AMI’s activities and sectors of intervention.
Responsibilities and tasks
1.To perform quality vulnerability assessment, protection monitoring, and data collection
2.To act as a focal point towards beneficiaries, to inform them about available assistance, their rights and obligations under the law, and complaints mechanisms in place
3.To report on collected data of the assessed and followed beneficiaries
4.To partipate in cash distributions in compliance with PU-AMI guidelines
1.To perform quality vulnerability assessment, protection monitoring, and data collection
-She / he will work as part of a mobile/outreach team to work with community members and CBOs to identify vulnerable households and conduct home visit assessments of potential beneficiaries in the host community acting in the most professional way and as per PU-AMI charter.
-She / he conducts protection monitoring exercises, including Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, and household interviews.
-She / he organizes smoothly the appointments with persons in need in order to perform individual assessments, follow-up visits, and protection monitoring in safe spaces
-She / he makes sure that confidentiality of information is always respected while filling an assessment and informs the beneficiaries accordingly
-She / he collects beneficiaries’ information following PU-AMI assessment form and makes sure that every information gathered is correct
-She / he establishes good relations with local CBOs and community members to get a clear understanding of the situation and needs in the communities
-She / he participates in the quality data collection for surveys and any relevant data collection or assessment implemented
2.To act as a focal point towards beneficiaries, to inform them about available assistance, their rights and obligations under the law, and complaints mechanisms in place
-She / he works closely with the Project Officer, Referral Officer, and Project Manager to develop and maintain good knowledge and understanding of the rights and services available to vulnerable populations, including attending trainings and taking pre-a and post-tests of related knowledge and skills
-She / he shares this knowledge with community members consistently and accurately according to the information provided in the home visit assessment
-She / he answers follow-up questions from beneficiaries who contact them after the home visit or refers beneficiaries to the appropriate PU-AMI or external agency staff as necessary
-She/he refers to the referral focal points the cases needing external assistance after ensuring having the consent of the person.
3.To report on collected data of the assessed and followed beneficiaries
-She / he ensures high quality assessment data, follow up of the beneficiaries and filling-in to the appropriate tool.
-She / he ensures a daily quantitative and qualitative reporting to the PM, PO, and RO through the tools and systems in place.
-She / he manages their time efficiently with their team partner(s), with the support of the Project Manager
-She / he reports on other issues when asked by their line manager
4.To participate in cash distributions in compliance with PU-AMI guidelines
-She / he conducts in-home distributions for cases with access issues and abides by PU-AMI guidelines for such distributions.
-She / he follows PU-AMI security procedures on cash distribution.
-She / he makes sure that confidentiality of information is always respected at the distribution and make sure to fill the receipts correctly.
The tasks and responsibilities defined in this job description are not exhaustive and can evolve depending on the project needs.
Required Background, knowledge
-College or University degree
-Eager to go to the field daily as the position requires extensive local travel and community work
-Minimum 1 year previous experience in related volunteer work, social work, or humanitarian field.
Required interpersonal Skills
-Commitment to PU-AMI’s work policies and standards as well as to humanitarian values
-Good analysis and synthesis abilities
-Honest and trustworthy
-Ability to work under pressure and handle stressful situations.
-Self-motivated, flexible and adaptable to the needs of the team and organization
Desirable knowledge & Skills:
-Previous experience with PU-AMI is an advantage
-Previous experience in field work in East Amman and/ or Zarqa.
-Previous experience conducting home visits, focus group discussions, or key informant interviews
-English / Arabic documents translation
All employees are expected to abide by the humanitarian principles, the Code of Conduct, PU-AMI Charter and PU-AMI above mentioned values.
-To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter both in English with at least 2 reference contacts to: jor.recruitment@pu-ami.org. Please state the job title “Outreach Case Worker” and your name in the email subject line (applications that don’t have this reference will not be considered).
-Deadline for applications is 10th of March 2017
-Applications that do not meet the specified minimum requirements, or received after the closing date will not be considered.
Please kindly note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
PU-AMI strives to be an equal opportunities employer. PU-AMI is committed to equality of opportunity and to non-discrimination for all job applicants and employees, and we seek to ensure we achieve diversity in our workforce regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs, nationality, ethnic/national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability

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تباعد السطور